Intro and Logistics (Sara Beery)
IDEs, Github, and remote workflow (Manuel Knott)
Data Visualization, Splitting and Avoiding Overfitting (Sara Beery)
Staying Organized in Machine Learning Projects (Björn Lütjens)
Working with Open-Source CV codebases - Choosing a baseline model and custom data loading (Sara Beery and Surya Naranyay Hari)
Intro to CV Tasks and Architectures (Suzanne Stathatos)
Evaluation Metrics (Shir Bar)
Probing your Model’s Performance: Offline Evaluation & Analysis (Sam Lapp)
What's next? Rules of Thumb to Improve Results (Justin Kay)
Squeezing Your Data: Data Augmentation and Self-Supervised Learning (Björn Lütjens & Tarun Sharma)
[Slides part 1]
[Slides part 2]
Experimental Design in Computer Vision (Shir Bar)
Efficient Models and Speed vs Accuracy (Justin Kay)
What Do I Do with my (Imperfect) Model? (Sam Lapp)